
Wednesday, June 30, 2010

One of those days...

Currently I sit in the living room while listening to a hysterical six year old crying from upstairs. She has said the word, "Mommy" no less than 18 billionty times in the past 15 minutes. Why is she crying, you ask? Her mean, horrible mother made her turn off the tv and, horror of horrors, PLAY with her sister! Can you imagine?!?! I mean, how dare I! Imagination? Toys? Games?!?! How could I even THINK of inflicting such torture on my children?

Someone should really call child protective services.

If anyone came into my front yard right now they probably would. I'm sure her fit could be heard down the block. It's a good one! I'm pretty sure if it doesn't stop soon that she'll be losing tv for the rest of the day, instead of for an hour or two.


This fun and excitement follows this mornings brownie debacle. Alivia found them on the kitchen counter while I was in the bathroom and they didn't stand a chance!

Poor brownies. Poor floor.

"A messhh, Mommy!"

How can you really get mad at that?

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