I love the Fourth of July.
Really. It is my favorite holiday. Stress free fun. No gift giving to deal with. Just pure fun and celebration with great friends, family, and yummy food.
What can be better than that???
We started off our holiday on Saturday the 3rd with the parade in Marietta. Angela Schuster and her crew came along and we had a great time! We sat in front of the church I grew up in where we ran into several other people that we know.
We came home and rested a bit and then ventured back out for Mexican (and AWESOME mango margaritas) and fireworks in Kennesaw with the Davis' crew.
The Actual 4th was spent recovering from the late night of the 3rd. We had Paw Paw and Aunt Wendy over for dinner. Bobby and I made ribs, and I put together some pretty awesome squash casserole, and potato and onion packets from our fresh crop share veggies. It was all yummy. Then we proceeded to push our kids completely past their limit by taking them out for ice cream and more fireworks. They all had complete meltdowns by the time the fireworks (which were totally behind the trees) started, and we left about two minutes after they started. Should have quit while we were ahead, haha!